Children's and Young Adult Literature Database

The Children's and Young Adult Literature Database contains children's and young adult trade books in a variety of genres found in the Centennial Library's Curriculum Materials Center. To begin your search, select genre(s), select reading level(s), and enter a publication date if desired. The genre column is an "AND" search, so it is generally better to select only one genre at a time. The reading level column is an "OR" search, so selecting multiple reading levels may prove helpful. Hint: Some books may be listed only by genre or only by reading level. Try a broader search if you are unable to find appropriate resources. Additional bibliographies are available at the CMC website.

1. Choose Genre(s)

2. Choose Reading Level(s)

3. Date of publication

Enter a 4 digit year or multiple years separated by commas (e.g. 2007,2009)

4. Begin Search